Thank you sponsors!
Middpride is community-led and supported. We are so grateful.
Grassroot donors
We had a fabulous campaign: give what you can and we send you joyful queer art in gratitude. Our community responded beautifully, and organizer-artist Elio had a blast sending hand painted postcards. Still want to give? We check our donations regularly and are still sending art!
The Teen Center
The Teen Center co-founded MiddPride and offers year-round programming to teens ages 12+. They envision a community where all adolescents are valued and supported to realize their full potential. Want to support them? Volunteer or donate at the link below.
Ilsley Public Library
Ilsley Public Library co-founded MiddPride and has been supporting all ages of our community for 100 years! Kathryn Laliberte, teen and tween librarian, is the fabulous lead MiddPride library organizer. Our spooky pride logo was designed by Renee Ursitti, Adult Services Librarian.
Better Middlebury Partnership
MiddPride is powered by the Better Middlebury Partnership! The Better Middlebury Partnership (BMP) is a civic organization dedicated to making the Greater Middlebury community a better place to live, work and play. We are grateful for their invaluable support of MiddPride.
Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society
The Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society offers inclusive community, spiritual sustenance, and religious education, thereby encouraging lives of meaning, integrity, and service. They are a welcoming congregation, open to all who find our emphasis on personal religious integrity and commitment meaningful.
Addison Independent
The Addison Independent was founded in 1946 and has always been a family-owned independent newspaper. We are grateful for their generous coverage and continued support.
UVM-Porter Medical Center
MiddPride was supported in 2023 through a generous VT Community Health Equity Partnership grant. This grant allowed us to grow our celebration... hundreds of attendees attended our second year! Pride festivals, like ours, contribute to LGBTQIA+ (youth) wellbeing and make our community healthier. Porter returns for our 2024 MiddPride to provide fall flu and COVID vaccines!